My Awards ♥ Ft Liebster

Hi Everyone! 

When I first started blogging, i had no idea that you could get nominated awards for it. But a few months ago, i was nominated by this lovely girl Lhen Ordona from Oh My Lhenyxx! So thank you Lhen for nominating me for this opportunity^^ ♥

The word "Liebster" is German meaning favourite and this award is passed on to those bloggers who have less than 200 followers on their blogs. The point of this award is to share blogs that aren't that well known by others. 

So onto the rules of this award:  

1) Link back to the blogger who gave it -  Lhen Ordona from Oh My Lhenyxx!
2) Nominate 5-11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
3) Answer questions given to you by nominator 

4) Share 11 facts about yourself
5) Create 11 questions to your nominees
6) Let the recipients know about their nomination by leaving a comment on their blogs. 

Nominees ♥ 

  1. Angeline Seah from Just a girl's heaven ♥
  2. Dianna from DeeKayTien
  3. Tricia Koh from Tricia Koh ♥ 
  4. Tanja J. at Voyage Voyage 
  5. Bee at Biffsquiggled ♥
  6. Katy at Kittie Cosmetics 
  7. Rosie Faced Girl 
  8. Angel at Uh Huh Honey. 

Questions for me ♥

  1. What am i doing with my life? 
    I want to continue blogging for a few more years whilst studying teaching in university or study pharmacy if I can get the ATAR to get into uni for that course! 
  2. I'm really good at...?
    I'm not really good at anything, quite depressing to say haha
    I guess i'm good at swimming and ice skating.
  3. The first thing that people usually notice about me are...? 
    My eyes ^^
  4. The 6 things i could never do without...?BB cream, my phone, my laptop, my earphones, ice cream, my bed 
  5. I spend a lot of time thinking about..?
    This guy that i really like :P I fantasize too much...
    I also think a lot about what i want to do in the future and about how i should approach my HSC >.< 
  6. On the typical Friday night i am...?
    Usually at work, if not, doing homework or flicking through channels on the TV. Occasionally I'm blogging and watching random stuff on YouTube :) 
  7. The Most private thing i'm willing to admit...?
    Umm... can't think of anything at the moment, but will share when i think of something haha :P
  8.  Ano ang mas malaki bagpack ni Dora? O Bulsa ni Doraemon? Justify your answer. Actually have no idea what this sentence means but according to Google translate it means "What's greater, Dora's backpack or Doraemon's pocket". Doraemon's pocket obviously! There's so many awesome items that he has in his bag and I love watching the show haha! I never really liked Dora the Explorer, no offence it was pretty lame :S
  9.  What is Victoria's secret? Elaborate? 
    Isn't Victoria's secret a store that sells lingerie? >_< *confused*
  10.  Kaano-ano ni Dora The Explorer si Internet Explorer? 
    I have no idea what this question is... tried to google translate it and nothing came up.
    I guess it's another question on Dora the Explorer :\ But i don't watch that show HAHA
  11.  Jung ang baboy na nakatusok ay barbeque at ang saging ay banana cue. Bakit ang kabayo carousel? 
    Sorry to dissapoint you guys but this is another question which even google translate can't help me!! Something about banana's and barbeques? I like BBQ's :'o

Facts about myself ♥

  1. I'm 16 years old 
  2. I live in Australia, but i love Hong Kong and I'd love to visit Korea or Japan one day!
  3. I love to eat. I could eat ice cream everyday and would not get tired of it :P 
  4. I take my sisters camera to take the photo on my blog because my own cameras really crappy heheh :P
  5. My skin is probably my worse insecurity, i hate it when people stare at my face like it just frustrates me :S 
  6. I can't send a message to anyone without putting emoticons behind it because i feel like it makes me seem angry o.o 
  7. I have bad eyesight but refuse to wear glasses HAHA
  8. I like to say Omgg a lot ~
  9. My hair has been dyed like 3 times and its so dead at the moment 
  10. I like Korean make up products a lot. I probably spend 1 hour each day just "window shopping" online. 
  11. Beauty Guru's like Bubzbeauty, Michelle Phan, Weylie, Shaaanxo & Shantea Mac inspired me to start beauty blogging and ignited my love for fashion and cosmetics! I love watching all their videos on Youtube :) 

That's all ^_^ Thanks Lhen for nominating me again and congratulations once again for being nominated for this lovely award :D  

Fifi ♥


  1. Thanks for nominating me <3 I will blog about it as soon as I can...kinda busy these days =( I will blog about it as soon as I can... =D


  2. Thank you so much for the nomination Fifi!!^_^
    I haven't been blogging lately because it's so busy but
    I'll make sure to get started on it as soon as I can(:
    I'm actually writing this reply in classXPlol

    I had bad eyesight too and just didn't like wearing my glasses
    because of the weird indentation they made>_<
    But I cannot tell you how many times I had to guess who
    people were according to their voices ahah
    And we are totally on the same page about the emoticonslol
    Thank you for sharing!!!

  3. Thank you for nominating me! :D

  4. ahahah Fion so entertaining :) love this hahah so cute!
    Nice reading the replies to the questions ;)
    xxx <3


Hey Everyone! Feel free to leave me a comment here, I'd love to hear what you think of my posts ^_^ ♥